The Law Foundation 
of South Australia Inc.

Promoting legal knowledge with lasting impact

The Law Foundation of South Australia Incorporated, through its grants programme, provides funding for:

  • the promotion of legal research in the reform of law;

  • the promotion of education and training of legal practitioners;

  • the promotion of education in law and the legal system for the broader community including legal education programmes in schools and universities;

  • legal services to the community.

Its GrantsFellowships and Prizes are awarded for the provision of legal services to the community, legal research, legal scholarship and service to the legal profession.

Grant applications are invited bi-annually with the closing dates being 31 March and 30 September of each year.

Fellowship applications are invited annually, with the closing date being 30 September of each year.

Law & Justice Essay Prize applications are invited annually, with the closing date being 31 March of each year

In considering applications, the Foundation has regard to the relevant published Rules and/or Guidelines.

Further information can be obtained from the Executive Officer,
Caroline Apps, by email or telephone.

Law Foundation Fellowship 2022

Due to COVID-19 international travel restrictions in 2020 and 2021, the Law Foundation awarded three Fellowships in 2022

The successful applicants are Adelaide Law School alumni. Please see the Adelaide Law School's news report here.  

Previous Reports

  • Note
    The Law Foundation of South Australia does not provide legal advice or referrals. If you need legal information, advice or assistance, please contact the Legal Services Commission of South Australia on 1300 366 424 or visit

The Law Foundation of
South Australia Inc.
is proudly supported by